article no: 96000F-96066F
Ground Trampoline "Freestyle"
Suitable for OUTDOOR & INDOOR use
Freestyle version of Eurotramps Ground Trampoline. Colour of frame pads: grey, with Eurotramp Freestyle logo. Ground level installation.
Three different frame sizes available:
• Adventure: 300 × 200 cm
• Master: 464 × 281 cm
• Grand Master: 524 × 311 cm
OUTDOOR variant: jumping bed made of PVC-coated mesh, in orange, white or black.
INDOOR variant: jumping bed made of 4×4 mm, 5×4 mm, 6×4 mm, 6×6 mm or 13 mm wide nylon strands.
Made in Germany
- Equipment is produced exclusively in our factory in Weilheim/Teck (Germany). We guarantee the use of only the highest quality raw materials in order to guarantee outstanding quality of all components as well as safety and reliability.
- details
- accessories
- spare parts
- downloads
Following we provide all available downloads referring to Ground Trampoline "Freestyle".
- TÜV certificateGround Trampoline "Adventure", "Master/Standard", "Grand Master" Indoor & Outdoor | Ground Trampoline "Freestyle" Indoor & Outdoor
- FactsheetGround Trampoline Grand Master Freestyle INDOOR / OUTDOOR
- Use, Maintenance & Assembly InstructionsGround Trampoline Adventure, Master/Standard, Grand Master "Freestyle" | OUTDOOR
- Technical InformationJumping bed overview
- local dealers