The fully automatic trampoline
Comfortable, safe, fully automatic installed within 25 sec. by only one person pushing a button. Eurotramp in cooperation with PE-Redskaber present the unique fully automatic folding trampoline "Albatross".
ATTENTION: This product illustration only shows a non-series prototype ! The Albatross is NOT available !
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Following we provide a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Albatross.
- Can defective jumping beds be repaired?
- In general, all nylon-band beds can be repaired at a favourable price. Should individual nylon bands be damaged, these can be removed and new bands oven and sewn in. Repairing PVC-coated beds (yellow material) is equally as problem-free using high frequency welding. After receiving and inspecting a bed at Eurotramp, we pass to an offer and advise on whether repair is worthwhile. After the go-ahead to repair, beds can be repaired and ready for dispatch within a few days.
- How much is a trampolinist allowed to weight?
- Basically, for Eurotramp trampolines, there is no weight limit, as all trampolines are designed for a multiple of the body weight. People with joint complaints or overweight people should start trampolining slowly. Of course, general physical and psychological constitution also makes a difference.
- Is trampolining an Olympic discipline?
- Yes, since 2000 (Sydney) trampolining (individual) has been an Olympic discipline. Eurotramp supplied the games in Sydney, Athens, Beijing and Rio de Janeiro with its competition trampolines.
- What does the FIG-approved symbol mean?
- For competitions, the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (International Gymnastics Federation FIG) has exact specifications of the construction type of the trampoline to be used in competitions. All trampolines and accessories used in competitions and supplied by Eurotramp have a valid certificate.
- Which is the right trampoline for me?
- Eurotramp offers a selection from a large product range which covers all areas of use. Should you require telephone or email advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you!
- Can trampolines be used for therapeutic purposes?
- Trampolines are excellently suited for therapeutic purposes, for example our ground trampoline Grand Master for indoor use. A strong trend has been developing in recent years, especially in the area of disability therapy. Trampolines have been successfully employed in many disabled facilities in Germany. Should you require further information about this topic, we'll have contact addresses to your disposition.
- Is it possible to repair broken or old trampolines?
- Our trampolines are constructed extremely robustly: we often receive pieces of equipment that have been in use for more than 30 years.
But after such a long period of time, even these pieces of equipment require an overhaul. Jumping beds, overall covers and springs can be substituted by the customer himself. On the frame; smaller parts such as chains and feet-rest mounts can be substituted on the spot.
Problems arise when the hinges are worn out after many years of being opened out and folded down again, or for example if the roller stands or lifting roller stands are broken. Should an economic efficiency calculation come to the conclusion that a general overhaul would be worthwhile, then this could be done either by the customer, an external maintenance service or directly by Eurotramp, according to the state of the device in question.
Complicated repairs to the frame make the dispatching of the trampoline to the Eurotramp plant in Weilheim an der Teck necessary.
In order to arrive at an initial assessment regarding the extent of the necessary repair work, it is helpful if you send us, whenever possible, detailed photographs of the trampoline or the possible damage.
Then we could make you a provisional offer and, if required, arrange for your equipment to be collected.
Before the final repair work is done, we would gladly send you a binding costs estimate and obtain your approval for the work. 1-2 weeks later your equipment is once again in full working order and can be returned to you.
Regarding the question of using older trampolines we would like to say, however, that material fatigue, e.g. to the jumping beds, can represent a high risk to the user. For liability reasons, we recommend that, when in doubt, old trampoline components should be replaced. - Is trampolining dangerous? Which safety rules should be observed?
- Every sports discipline has its own hidden dangers, trampolining included. Nonetheless, the risks can be avoided to a large extent by following the safety rules. Every novice should approach trampolining cautiously. In general, trampolining is not difficult to learn, but too much self-confidence when performing often leads to boisterousness, which can cause accidents. Eurotramp's large apparatus are high performance apparatus, which must not be underestimated - or would you drive round a corner at the same speed as Schuhmacher, if you were only an apprentice? One step at a time! Children especially should trampoline under adults supervision as far as possible.
- Where can you learn trampolining?
- Trampolining may be no longer just be seen as show artistry. These days, there are many clubs all over Germany which professionally train for competitions. On request, we will send you a list of the German clubs which take part in national championships. In general, you can also find information on the website of the German Gymnastics Federation. There you will also find information about possible training to become a trampoline coach.
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