Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 1 / 8
Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 2 / 8
Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 3 / 8
Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 4 / 8
Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 5 / 8
Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 6 / 8
Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 7 / 8
Pupils of the Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck had a lot of fun with the Springbokx Parkour area at the European Week of Sport. 8 / 8
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Werkrealschule Weilheim/Teck hatten eine Menge Spaß mit unserer Springbokx #Parkour-Area bei der Europäischen Woche des Sports 2024.
Mehr Informationen über die jährliche Europäische Woche des Sports: https://sport.ec.europa.eu/european-week-of-sport
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